The Spanish deep South, 1980. A series of brutal murders of adolescent girls in a remote and forgotten town bring together two disparate characters - both detectives in the homicide division - to investigate the cases. With deep divisions in their ideology, detectives Juan and Pedro must put aside their differences if they are to successfully hunt down a killer who for years has terrorized a community in the shadow of a general disregard for women rooted in a misogynistic past. Written by Atípica Films 这是一部来自2014的动作片。 她的名字是:《沼泽地》,由安东尼奥·德拉·托雷,劳尔·阿雷瓦罗,哈维尔·古铁雷斯,合力演出并在2014上映,本视频由零度影院www.0duyy.com收集自网络发布